Friday, August 26, 2016

How to get available disk space?

*How to get available disk space to check if server still has free disk space?

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: getDiskSpace
// Purpose: Return available space in the server drive
// Arg(s): (String) commandLine - command to be executed
// Return(s): (String) freeBytes - free disk space
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getDiskSpace(commandLine)
var output = Clib.system(commandLine); //to be tested (can't share the function I used here originally due to security issues)

var splitRes = output.split(' ');
if (!splitRes)
{      //print or log or alert error
return false;

    var freeBytes = parseStringBytes(splitRes);
 //print or log or alert error
return false;
//print or log or alert error
return freeBytes;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: parseStringBytes
// Purpose: Return parsed free space string to a float
// Arg(s): (String) splitRes - string free bytes
// Return(s): (String) numBytes - float free bytes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function parseStringBytes(splitRes)
var freeBytes = "";
    for (var i=0; i< splitRes.length; i++)
  var str =  splitRes[i];
  if (str === "bytes")
      freeBytes = splitRes[i-1];
var numBytes = parseFloat(freeBytes.replace(/,/g, ""));
return numBytes;

*where commandLine = 'dir|find "bytes free"';

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Javascript Sorting Algo

Javascript Sorting Algo

var arrObj = new Array(); // or [];

var temp = new Object();
temp.num = 3.58;
arrObj.push(temp);  //add more of this; can loop through array of objects

function sortByObjNumber(a, b)
var a = parseInt(a.num);
var b = parseInt(b.num);

if(a < b)
return -1;
else if(a == b)
return 0;
return 1;